Live like there’s no tomorrow!

Often in this fast pace life we comprehend that life’s all about sleeping and working, meeting deadlines/targets. Lots of us call it a mechanical life. I am no exception to feeling it this way.

If you are also feeling the same why---- you seriously need to get a life. There are two ways of getting a life (for that matter).
First is start loving your job because if you do what you love it’s not work anymore its romance. If you can’t manage to it the first way (which I most definitely think you won’t) start indulging yourself into activities you like.

“What activities do I really want to get into?” Is this in your mind? Here are some of the options.
- Read a book…naah, I suggest you write one.
- Do more of what you like, for example photography, sketching, Catching up with pals, Arranging small get togethers, long drives, walk the talk, etc
- Try getting up an hour early and meditate, spend time with family.

Still finding it hard to decide? Then talk to yourself and to help you a bit, here are some questions you can ask yourself.
- What was the last time you made tea for your mom before she got up in the morning?
- Do you remember calling your friend at 0000 hrs wishing him/her happy b’day?
- Do you have a picture of you walking/dancing in rain?
- Were you pretending to be Himesh reshammiya yesterday morning in the bathroom while having bath?

On a serious note…life’s much more than the above mentioned silly but workable things. I’ll suggest you seriously consider this article/suggestion and try acting on it ASAP.

C’mon don’t think anymore!
Shut this system off…call your friend who you want to go out with and, just have fun! There might not be a tomorrow, literally!


hmmmm somebody's actually stepped into the shoes of a counsellor!!... and {must say}is giving out pretty good advise.I liked it!! :0)
keep it up!!

Monday, February 05, 2007 11:05:00 PM  

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